There are plenty of volunteer roles that are not directly involved with athletics but which as a club are vital to our success. We have listed below the main areas where we would welcome your help but if you have other skills you would like to support the club with we would be delighted to hear from you.
Club roles
Could you work with the management committee - we particularly need IT and website support, and someone to take on our media/press work? The new Corby AC website needs developing and maintaining, and we need people with the relevant skills to do this. We would like our profile in the local media to be higher and we are looking for people who would enjoy working with the local papers and radio to promote our club. Social media is another area where we would welcome support from a club member with the relevant understanding and enthusiasm.
Could you man the gate supporting our regular volunteers - a crucial role in collecting important funds at training sessions? We need people to help out when our regular volunteers are on holiday or away.
Could you man the tea bar? The tea bar is valued by club members, is a valuable source of income for the club and is also much the warmest and friendliest place to be in Winter! We welcome a regular commitment once a week or once a month, or a one-off from time to time. Without volunteers, the tea bar stays closed but it is a bonus for us all to have it open.
Please contact the volunteer manager Joanna Cadman-Joyce on volunteer@corbyac.co.uk to have a chat about taking up any one of these options. Alternatively feel free to approach Joanna on club training nights, someone will always be able to point her out to you.
General roles
These roles are particularly aimed at our fantastic group of Corby AC parents though help is of course very welcome from anyone involved with the club. All parents are asked to help at Corby AC open meetings and league events, contributing four hours of time each year. Everyone is given clear instructions and support from experienced athletics officials or from regular volunteers.
The roles at our athletics events include:
If you are a parent who is also a qualified official your help would be enormously welcome at any or all events! Please do get in touch to let us know what level of qualification you have, thank you!
To sign up to help at an open meeting or league meeting please email volunteer@corbyac.co.uk and please keep a look out for the regular club wide emails asking for parental support.